What's New in CADSTAR 13

Major CADSTAR Enhancements...

Constraint Browser

CADSTAR now supports a new Constraint Browser tool which allows constraints to be set during schematic development. Alongside this is an enhanced constraint management system that makes the Constraint Browser and Constraint Manager the master when handling constraints, allowing for more advanced constraint management.

Enhanced Topology Support

Please note that this functionality will not be available in the initial web release of CADSTAR 13.0. It will be delivered in the media release. In the meantime, it will be necessary to continue to define topologies based on pin_branch and pin_order attributes, which can be set in Constraint Browser or Constraint Manager.

When using the new constraint management system a wider range of net topologies are available within the Constraint Manager and Constraint Browser.

IDF Interface

CADSTAR now contains tools allowing design data to be exported to IDF. IDF data can also be imported into CADSTAR to update designs.

Enhanced DXF Import

DXF Import now allows BLOCK, ELLIPSE, SPLINE and POLYLINE data to be imported.  Objects of the same type defined on different layers can now imported onto one layer in CADSTAR.  The DXF design can now be automatically shifted to fit within the CADSTAR design area.

Drill Letters and Drill Table Appear on the PCB Canvas

Drill letters and the drill table, previously only available in the drill drawing output, can now be added to and edited on the PCB drawing canvas. Furthermore drill letters can now be generated automatically.

Selection Method

Selection Method is a new setting that has been added.  It gives more control over how items are selected during Frame Select, Polygon Select and Freehand Select.  When Selection Method is set to Cover, only items completely covered by the selection shape are selected.

Cross Probing Improvements

Running applications from the Tools menu (such as PREditor XR) no longer minimises CADSTAR allowing cross probing to be performed.  It is now possible to cross probe groups of items.

Enhanced Symbol Gate / Connector Pin Property Changes

The default behaviour of CADSTAR has changed.  When editing symbols, certain changes are applied to all symbols (gates) with the same name.  Similarly connector pins can be edited and certain changes are applied to all pins on the same connector.

Other CADSTAR Enhancements...

Active Reports as Dockable Windows

The Bus Report, Electrical Rules Report, Routing Completion Report, Unused Component Report and Design Rules Check Report can now be viewed as Dockable Windows.

Enhanced Library Editor Interface

The grids used in Library Editor have been updated giving several GUI benefits.  Select Symbol/Component Name dialog now displays a preview of the currently selected item.  Part Definition Symbol/Component view updated to allow mouse wheel panning and zooming.

PCB Mirror View

A fully interactive Mirror View of the PCB has been introduced.

Printing Improvements

Mirror and 1:1 Scaling options have been included in the Print options for all design types, including in the Library Editor.

Enhanced Undo / Redo Support

Undo / Redo Support has been implemented for Part Reload, Part Replace and Manual Gate / Pin Swap functionality.  The Keep Swap dialog has been removed meaning fewer clicks are required when performing a manual swap.

Schematic Connection Overlap Improvements

For interactive operations in Schematic Designs a check is now performed to prevent overlapping connections on different nets. A new report has also been added which checks for overlapping connections.

Reload From Library with Local Changes

It is now possible to retain local reference names and pad information when reloading parts.

Duplicate Assignment

The Assignments dialog now allows assignments (including any reassignments) to be duplicated with a single button click.

Replace / Reload Retain Alternate

It is now possible to keep the original alternate name when replacing or reloading parts.

Ignore Pad / Via - Profile Errors

Two new settings have been added that allow Pad / Via - Profile errors to be ignored while pouring copper.

Copy Variant Information and Fitted Status to Additional Symbols

When an additional gate/connector pin of an existing part is added, the variant information and fitted status will be copied from the existing gates/connector pins to the newly added gate/connector pin. Adding additional gates/connector pins that are not part allocated will copy variant information and fitted status from existing gates/connector pins with the same symbol name.

Automatic Addition of Unmatched Assignments

When performing ECO updates, Back Annotation and RINF imports you can now automatically add all unmatched assignments of a given type.

All Connector Pins to be Part Allocated

In a schematic design connector pins are now automatically part allocated.

P.R.Editor XR Enhancements...

Item Properties Enhanced

All Editable Query dialogs are now called Item Properties.  Each Item Properties dialog has an OK button.

Select Via For Layer Change

A new option has been added to the Manual Routing Context Menu allowing the user to choose which via to use.

Enhanced Statistic Dialogs

There are new Testpoint Report and Net Statistics dialogs.  These allow the user to 'lock' each of the dialogs and to quickly sort displayed data.

Fill Type Improvement

The Fill Types tab of the Appearance dialog has been updated.  It is now possible to display pads and tracks using all of the fill types.  You can also set the fill type for Clearance Shapes and Copper.

Moving Routed Component Improvement

A new option has been added to the Interactive Move dialog.  With this option selected, the tracks connected to the components are rerouted as the component is moved. 

Smart Fan-Out (BGA's)

The Smart Fanout functionality is now available to CADSTAR users who do not have Dragon.

Extra Columns in Autorouting Report

Extra columns have been added to the Autorouting report that provide extra information during autorouting.

Improved Separation Report

Testpoints will now report the required Centre to Centre distance as well as the Actual Centre to Centre distance.

Ignore Pad / Via to Profile errors

Two new settings have been added that allow Pad / Via - Profile errors to be ignored while pouring copper.

New Acid Trap Removal Tool

A new 45-Degree Acid Trap Removal Tool has been added.

P.R.Editor XR HS / SI Verify Enhancements...

Enhanced PI-Analysis

DC-Analysis has been integrated within PI-Analysis and allows a detailed and accurate analysis of DC-performance.  Several improvements have been made to the  PI-Analysis functionality.

Creation of Skew Groups Enhanced

Adding design items to a skew group in Constraint Manager has been enhanced so it is more logical.  For example, if all the nets of a bus are added to a skew group the nets are replaced with the name of the bus.

Enhanced Stimulus setting

Stimulus pins can now be set in Scenario Editor and Topology Editor using newly added menu options.

Enhanced Common Mode Voltage Map

Common Mode Voltage Map can now be controlled for its frequency.  A new frequency selection dialog allows the frequency of interest to be specified for the CM Voltage Map display.

PREditor Configurations Setting

It is now possible to set the directory for 'PREditor Configurations' in CADSTAR.

IBIS 5 Parser Upgrade

SI Verify has been updated to support IBIS 5, this allows the latest IBIS models to be imported.

Simulation Model Encryption

Passive component vendors sometimes withhold models in order to protect commercially sensitive information. Model encryption provides a mechanism for vendors to release models whilst protecting sensitive information. This enhancement improves the availability of simulation models for such commercially sensitive devices.

Enhanced Sub-Model Support

Multiple sub-models can be considered for a single buffer.  Combined characteristic (V/I curve) is derived by adding main model and sub-model characteristics.

Mouse wheel in Scenario Editor and Topology Editor

It is now possible to use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom the canvas in Scenario Editor and Topology Editor.

Dragon Enhancements...

Enhanced Best Pass Control

Best Pass control has been added to the Manual/Autorouting tab of the Routing Setup dialog.  This allows greater flexibility over the selection criteria for the best pass.  It is also possible to automatically restore the results of the Best Pass as the final autorouting result.

Improved 45-Degree Routing

Improvements have been made to run time and completion for single trace native 45-degree routing.

Post Routing Tidy Enhanced

Post Routing Tidy has been enhanced to solve problems when running refine routing.

Landless Drilled Via Support

Single trace autorouter has been enhanced to support landless drilled vias.  Autorouter will now see these as an obstacle for routing. 

Performance Improvements

Performance improvements have been made to design load.  This will benefit designs that contain large amounts of copper.  Load time and file size of settings files has been reduced.