Zuken Pulling Ahead in Automotive PCB Design

Zuken Pulling Ahead in Automotive PCB Design


The following excerpt is from Andy Shaughnessy’s interview with Zuken’s Humair Mandavia in the April 2018 issue of Design 007 Magazine. 

Design007Zuken has been developing PCB design tools for the automotive market for years. With automotive electronics worth over $200 billion globally, and growing every day, Zuken is preparing for a brave new world of smart cars, and autonomous and electric vehicles. I spoke with Humair Mandavia, chief strategy officer with Zuken, and asked him about the challenges facing automotive PCB designers, and the trends he’s seeing in the constantly evolving segment of the industry.

Andy Shaughnessy: Humair, tell us a little bit about Zuken’s work with automotive PCB design. I was at Zuken Innovation World a few years ago, and all of these automotive people were there, from Ford to Continental Automotive Systems, and the attendees were from all around the world.

Humair Mandavia: We’re fortunate to be working with most of the major OEMs and the tier one suppliers supporting the automotive industry globally. Zuken has been emerged in this market for over 20 years, and it’s been an area of significant growth year-over-year. As part of that growth, there are three key technology concentrations that have been part of our enablement too support the automotive market…

Read the rest of the interview here

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