CR-8000 Board List Processor

Tech Tip: CR-8000 Board List Processor


Custom attribute lists for design and panel data can be configured and saved using CR-8000’s Board List Processor.

List types include:

Board information
Component information
Pin information
Padstack information
Hole information
Each list type includes many attributes that can be selected to output. The list can be used for in-house purposes or vendor requests.

Watch the video below for details on how to access and configure the Board List Processor.

Jeff Perry
Jeff Perry
Applications Engineer at Zuken USA.
Jeff Perry is a Customer Support Applications Engineer. He focuses on customer support for CR-5000/CR-8000 Tool Suites. Jeff provides instruction on Zuken tools at customer sites or via the web. He also puts together Application Notes, Tool Tips and Tech Tips which help improve customer productivity. He enjoys golf and spending time with his grandson.