This year’s Zuken Innovation World Americas (ZIW) will be a bit different from past events – which is probably an understatement when you see what we have in store for participants. With the pending acquisition of Vitech Corporation, a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) company, Zuken has begun the digital transformation journey. If you are curious about what that means, ZIW Americas is where you want to be this year to learn more.
Digital Transformation at ZIW
ZIW has a strong focus on networking, education, and innovation, and it will continue to do so. What’s new and different is that this year we are expanding the education and innovation to look beyond detailed design. In the ZIW 2019 agenda, we will introduce a Digital Engineering track covering educational and innovation topics associated with the digital transformation to model-based design and the digital thread. This is an exciting time for Zuken and for our customers!
Leading the Way with Innovation
Zuken is a leader in detailed design innovation with the first native 3D multi-board and multi-discipline (IC packaging) PCB design platform. What makes us different as we embark on our digital transformation are the electrical and electronic architecture design and optimization solutions we have to offer. Most companies focus on detailed design and are missing the wire harness and PCB subsystem architecture design and optimization. Utilizing the model-based design methodology, the architecture and requirements are passed to the wire harness and PCB subsystem design teams for implementation. In the case of the PCB or ECU subsystem, requirements dictate a range of design parameters from weight to power consumption that the ECU subsystem must meet at the architecture phase before moving into detailed design. A similar process exists for the wire harness subsystem.
The Digital Thread plays an important role in the digital transformation providing a spectrum of capabilities for full product life cycle coverage. Stephen Collins, CEO of Anark Corporation, will explore the Digital Thread in his keynote, “What is the Digital Thread and How Do We Get There?”. Anark Corporation is one of the few companies that I’ve come across with a real Digital Thread implementation. Zuken is working with Anark to expand the Digital Thread capabilities beyond procurement and manufacturing to include the design process. Along with the keynote address, Anark is on the agenda with another class detailing a Digital Thread implementation and will demonstrate several real-world use cases.
Learn More at ZIW in Hilton Head
This is just a sample of the topics related to Zuken’s digital transformation that you can see at this year’s ZIW Americas. ZIW takes place April 15-17, 2019 in Hilton Head, SC and registration is open now. If you are interested in digital engineering, you don’t want to miss it. I look forward to seeing you in Hilton Head this year.
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