E3.series Integration with Creo, CATIA and NX for Wire Lengths and Harness Structures


Today I’m going to take a look at the functionality within E3.series that allows you to integrate with MCAD systems including Creo, CATIA and NX, to define cable lengths and harness structures. You can also watch a movie that shows how this is done in real life – transferring data back and forth from E3.schematic to Creo Parametric (aka ProE).

Electrical and MCAD integration, if you’re not already doing it, has the potential to save you a good deal of time in the electrical product development process. On the most basic level you can cut out the prototype stage needed for calculating wire lengths. If you’re also working with E3.formboard, as well as the basic module (E3.cable), then you can obtain the entire harness structure.

Watch the movie below that shows a user working in E3.schematic, exporting data via the E3.3D Routing Bridge, opening up Creo, routing the wires, and then exporting back into E3.schematic to get the actual wire lengths.

Ulrich Prottung
Ulrich Prottung
Product Manager, CIM-TEAM
As a Zuken E³.series Product Manager I’m responsible for the E³.series including E³.WireWorks, mainly within the automotive, aerospace, construction machines and transportation industries. In this role, my job is to identify the needs of existing customers and prospects all over the world, and feed these back into our R&D department for integration into the software. I’m located in the office in Ulm, Germany, which is a really lovely town (well worth a visit). Outside of work I like skiing, driving motorbikes and my (classic) old-timer car.
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