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Von der Automatisierung bis zur Echtzeitanalyse – das Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) verändert die Industrie grundlegend. Doch hinter den Chancen lauern Herausforderungen: Können Sicherheit, Altgeräte und komplexe Systeme in Einklang gebracht werden? Erfahren Sie, wie intelligente Fabriken der Zukunft gestaltet werden und warum das IIoT der Schlüssel dazu ist.
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Derzeit gibt es eine Reihe von neuen Konzepten, mit denen die Produktentwicklung grundlegend verbessert werden kann. Eines dieser Konzepte, das besonders bei der Entwicklung von elektrischen und elektronischen Systemen vielversprechend ist, ist der Digitale Zwilling. Seit einiger Zeit wird darüber viel geredet, und vielfach herrscht auch erhebliche Verwirrung. Derzeit gibt es ein Reihe von unterschiedlichen Definitionen für den Digitalen Zwilling. In diesem Beitrag wollen wir zwei dieser Ansätze vorstellen.
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It sounds like a paradox: electronics manufacturers can increase variation within a product line while using fewer electronic components. Reuse keeps product costs low, increases product flexibility and customization. Far from paradoxical, the approach is quite doable today through a process called modular board design coupled with predictive analysis numbers returned by the Internet of Things.
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Japan is one of the first countries to face the combination of challenges such as energy issues, population decline and an aging society. Solving these problems with the benefit of the Internet of Things (IoT) could generate future business opportunities as well as meeting the demands of society. Enabling as many people as possible to try out new ideas, and encouraging them to develop diverse products, will broaden these opportunities. The Trillion-Node Engine is a platform for realizing this objective.
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Using feedback from products in the field to continuously improve design modules used as the basis for product development can increase product performance and reliability and reduce development time.
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As we welcome increasing numbers of IoT devices into our industries, offices and home lives, we shouldn’t be surprised to see increasing electromagnetic (EM) congestion. Or, as it’s now dubbed, the ‘Interference of Things’.
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A customer recently asked me if CR-8000 Design Force could support stretchable flex designs. At first, I found the question odd, until they shared their intent: wearable electronics. The idea of wearable electronic products like head and wrist bands sparked an interesting conversation and piqued my interest.
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I recently talked on predictive failure analysis at the PTC LiveWorx 2017 conference. There was a lot of audience interest, so I thought I’d share some of the things I discussed. This is the second of two posts on this subject.
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I recently talked on predictive failure analysis at the PTC LiveWorx 2017 conference. There was a lot of audience interest, so I thought I’d share some of the things I discussed.
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With key functionality in many cases commoditized, the success or failure of wearables is increasingly determined in the early stages of the PCB and mechanical integration process where requirements are translated into practical design decisions such as how functions are mapped to PCBs and PCBs are integrated into the enclosure.