MBSE GENESYS 2021 R2 - Now includes REST API

Bonjour GENESYS: Model-Based Systems Engineering in French

The new GENESYS release adds language option and extended API for a new level of accessibility

In this week’s blog post we’re sharing an exciting sneak peek of the 2021 R2 release of GENESYS, the latest version of our model-based systems engineering development platform.

GENESYS covers all four domains of systems engineering — requirements, behavior, architecture, and verification and validation — holding all of the information in the tool itself and allowing you to do the engineering from the first statement of need to final validation. A number of enhancements will elevate the platform to a new level of accessibility and engineering productivity.

MBSE en français

Aren’t we all a bit guilty when it comes to rather watching Netflix in our native language than having to read subtitles all evening? We are more deeply rooted in our mother tongue than in any other language, we communicate in it every day and have access to all linguistic fields. The upcoming GENESYS Release adds new languages to the platform with French as the first of more to come in the future. Having the opportunity to work in a model-based engineering environment in your native language will make it more accessible to systems engineers around the globe and enable productivity through a deeper understanding of the underlying MBSE concepts.

A flourishing ecosystem

The new REST API extends the programming access to GENESYS beyond the .NET API making the platform accessible to an even broader range of systems. The new API is based on REST (Representational State Transfer), an architectural approach to communication commonly used in the development of web services, and provides a critical integration point to deliver on a joint strategy of connected digital ecosystems, enabling digital threads across heterogeneous environments. The REST used by internet browsers may be considered as “the language of the internet”, making technology the basis of any web interface to GENESYS.

“Open ecosystems allowing organizations to connect best-of-breed tools are critical to a successful digital transformation,” stated David Long Vitech President and CEO of Zuken Vitech, “we believe the rich connectivity in GENESYS and the power of our systems approach will bring tremendous value to our partners and customers seeking to realize this vision.”

MBSE GENESYS 2021 R2 - Now includes REST API
GENESYS allows organizations to connect best-of-breed tools that are critical to a successful digital transformation.

New viewpoint capability

Another major highlight of the new release will be a simple-to-use yet powerful viewpoint capability. Successfully engineering complex products requires insights from a diverse group—customers, users, engineers, subject matter experts, and leaders. Autogenerated visualizations help present relevant engineering data in a meaningful way to increase the shared understanding of engineering teams and other stakeholders.

The new feature will allow users to save reusable queries which can be used to generate interesting or pre-defined visualizations. As a product design evolves along the way, these visualizations of the product will always reflect the latest design state.

With this new release, Zuken is embracing the digital transformation of electrical and electronic product development. Find more information about MBSE and GENESYS on our website:


Find the full press release here.

Lilli Schuetze
Lilli Schuetze
Content Marketing Manager
Lilli is a Content Marketing Manager at Zuken Europe. Her responsibilities include public relations, content management, social media, and graphic design where she thrives on creative projects. In her spare time, she enjoys playing golf and running.

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