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CR-8000 Design Force can help you verify your design before you send it out to manufacture. Before running any signal integrity analysis in Design Force, you must assign device models to the pins in your components using the Constraint Browser.

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In this video, we’ll walk through the process of creating an attribute list of values for a specific attribute. This makes it extremely easy to select a value from a pulldown instead of wondering if you have the correct syntax for a given value. Using the list feature ensures a constant and correct value entry.

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When a user would like to add a member to an existing skew group in CR-8000 Design Force Constraint Browser, you do not have to delete and recreate the group. You can simply edit the members using Edit Skew Group.

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This tip explains how to use Panel Autoconnect to define wire lengths in E3.series. After a schematic is defined and units are placed in E3.panel, Panel Autoconnect finds the shortest path for the connections defined in the schematic. If units are moved in panel, the length information is updated across modules, allowing users to optimize the enclosure to minimize wire lengths.

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This video demonstrates the process of changing a device from inside a circuit in E3.series. Whether you choose to make the change from the schematic, the wiring diagram or the device tree, selecting and updating a component automatically updates all instances of it within your project.

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The video below explains how to smart dock and pin your most useful E3.series windows to a logical location or ease of use. Pinning your windows will save you screen space and allow you quick access to some of your most used windows.

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There’s an exciting new option in CR-8000 Design Gateway 2018: “Execute Macro to Multiple Sheets. The new functionality allows you to execute macros on specified sheets all at once.

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In her recent blog post, Sandy Jones introduced the new reinforce via functionality in CR-8000 Design Force. Here is one very useful application of that new functionality.

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In Zuken’s E3.series, wire groups can be made up of a number of wires with identical characteristics but different part numbers. One group may contain all the available types of one specific manufacturer or one specific color. The video explains the creation of a wire group that has one specific color for all gauges.

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In the 2018 release of CR-8000 Design Force, an amazing new improvement has been made to reinforce via. In the video below, I’ll demonstrate how this cool new feature works.

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In E3.series, levels are used to make certain things – such as symbols, symbol graphics, symbol text, empty text, graphics, text, and connetions – within your project visible or invisible with the click of a button. The video below will show you how to control these levels within your E3.series project.

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To make the process of locating components in your E3.series library easier and quicker, you can set up search fields in the library database window, where field entries quickly narrow to show available components for selection.

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Oftentimes when we’re working on schematics, the panel menus take up a ton of space on the screen. This is where the Design Gateway auto-hide feature comes in handy.

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Using E3.series’ Component Table empowers users to make multiple changes to their library components faster and easier. It’s a very powerful and useful tool.

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In order to use components more effectively in your E3.series project, you can associate a model to that component. You can describe the logical characteristics of your component using Component Wizard. However, it’s best create a model of that component to describe its physical characteristics.

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This video illustrates the process of creating a new terminal to be used with your connectors in Zuken’s E3.series. It covers the attribute information that can be applied to this model, and the model needed for the correct terminal for any given wire size.