A compass lying on top of a map, symbolizing navigation and strategic direction in the context of developing a skilled workforce for systems engineering

Developing Our Next-Generation SE Workforce


Whenever I visit an organization engaged in systems engineering, the #1 challenge is always the same. Large or small, seasoned or new, government or commercial, the complaint is always the shortage of good systems engineers. The common refrain is “we don’t have enough, and many of the ones we have are retiring.” As organizations embrace model-based systems engineering, the problem worsens with a limited pool of model-based talent in high demand around the globe. As a profession, how do we better develop the next generation of systems engineers? Surprisingly enough, the answer lies in MBSE—but not in the way most people think.

Read the full post, originally published on the Vitech blog.

Read Full Article Here



David Long
David Long
Founder and President of Vitech Corporation
For over 25 years, David Long has focused on helping organizations increase their systems engineering proficiency while simultaneously working to advance the state of the art. David is the founder and president of Vitech, where he leads the team in delivering innovative, industry-leading methods and software (CORE™ and GENESYS™) to help organizations engineer next-generation systems. He co-authored A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering and frequently delivers keynotes and tutorials at industry events around the world. A committed member of the systems community and an Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP), David was the 2014-2015 president of INCOSE. In 2019, he was named an INCOSE Fellow.

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