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This video illustrates how to import and export ABL file from CR-8000 Advanced PCB Design Software Design Force tool to Keysight Technology’s Advanced Design Systems (ADS) Momentum Tool.

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If you migrated from CR-5000 Board Designer you might recall my ToolTip a few years back, specific to using the Parameter Resource file, in order to save and reuse settings you define within the tool such as route parameters or dimension parameters. The data resource file in the Design Force is the equivalent to that parameters resource file.

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In DF 2019 we have new feature call “Checking the Unconnected Length”. But this feature is not in the What’s New online help, since it is execute by simple macro syntax...

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In Design Force you can edit your board Technology using the 3D Technology Editor. In the 3D technology edit window, you can perform the following operations to edit the technology for the board.

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And it's easier than you think. A reuse library can boost productivity and product reliability. Read and watch our video to learn more.

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It’s not often you spend your work day laughing AND learning. But that’s how it went for Zuken Europe’s first foray into filming videos with our customers.

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Calculate the track width value from the characteristic impedance and layer configuration by using a field solver.

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In this tech tip, we will explore how you can clear a routed trace pattern on multiple conductive layers. Watch our video to go through the steps with us.

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Learn how to find a one pin net using a batch program and then output the one pin net information in the netlist text file.

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Sometimes, engineering requirements force designers to swap the position of conductive layers in a board stackup. With CR-8000 Design Force, you can do this simply and quickly by using the Restriction/Block functions.

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We’re happy to announce that Speedstack, Polar Instruments’ layer stackup design/documentation tools, can now be directly linked to Zuken’s CR-8000 Design Force and DFM Center.

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CR-8000 Design Force can help you verify your design before you send it out to manufacture. Before running any signal integrity analysis in Design Force, you must assign device models to the pins in your components using the Constraint Browser.

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When a user would like to add a member to an existing skew group in CR-8000 Design Force Constraint Browser, you do not have to delete and recreate the group. You can simply edit the members using Edit Skew Group.

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Creating pin pairs in the Constraint Browser is fine for one or two nets at a time, but if you want to create pin pairs for a whole design, I recommend using an easy, single-step macro.

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Did you know when editing lengthening patterns in CR-8000 Design Force, you can modify the lengthening pattern, and meet your constraints all in one step?

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CR-8000 Design Force 2017 has improved the offset via function by adding efficiency in pulling out tracks from vias, creating BGA designs and build-up designs. The controls are based on the following...