We’re in this together!
We’re in unprecedented times, that’s one thing we know for certain. As regulations, policies, and recommendations for safe working and social interactions shift daily, we want you to know that we’re in this together and Zuken is here to help. We know many of you are transitioning to home-based offices and we are making every effort to mitigate the impact and help you navigate the change successfully.
Taking care of customers
Here’s what you can expect:
- Our customer support hours and staffing remain the same and we’re ready to help you with any of your questions.
- As many of you transition to working from home, it is important to know that Zuken’s software can run via VPN without restrictions in most cases. If you do experience software issues while working from home, contact customer support for assistance, we’re here to help.
- While on-site visits are on hold, we will continue to connect with customers via virtual meetings.
Adjusting to working from home

While many of us – myself included – have worked from home for many years, for some, this is new ground. And with it comes lots of adjustments. Especially now, when we’re practicing social distancing, there are even more adjustments. Kids are home, spouses/partners are also working from home, and nothing is routine any longer.
Here are some tips for making it work:
- Carve out a dedicated space for work. You may not have the luxury of an office or spare bedroom, but try to find an area that you can separate from personal space – even if it’s a small desk tucked into a corner of the room for now.
- Get into a routine. At the office, you probably have a regular routine to get your day off to a good start and keep it on track. Create a similar routine now that you’re at home and let the others in the household know what that is.
- Take periodic breaks just as you would in the office. Get up for a glass of water, stretch at your desk, or simply go for a 5-minute walk.
- Set boundaries and know when to “turn off”. When you work at home it’s easy to fall into an “always-on” mode because your office is always there. Decide what your working hours will be and try to stick to it. Close your laptop, close the door to your office, or simply say the words “done for the day” to signal your brain that work is over.
- Stay connected! If you’re not used to working remotely, it’s easy to feel isolated. Stay connected to your co-workers and colleagues using tools for online chat and video conferencing.
Take care of yourself
Now more than ever, it’s important to take care of yourself! Uncertainty can elevate stress levels, which can, in turn, weaken the immune system – neither of which is helpful right now. But there are things you can do to help keep stress in check and maintain a positive outlook.
- Meditate – sit in a comfortable chair or on the floor with your back straight, hands resting on your knees with palms facing up. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for 15 minutes. My favorite meditation app is Calm.
- Puzzles – complete a puzzle – the more pieces the better! More of a word person? Try a crossword puzzle. Are numbers your thing? Sudoku might be just what you like.
- Gratitude – did you know that among other things, it can help you sleep better? Make a daily list of three things you are grateful for.
- Read – you know that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand forever? Pick it up and finish it.
- Try a new fitness class – many gyms and studios are offering free classes online right now, give it a go. It will be good for your body and your mind! A quick online search will bring you Yoga, boxing, Zumba and more.
- Sunshine – try to get out into the sun every day for at least 10 minutes. Among other benefits, it’s a huge boost to your mood!
- Cooking – challenge friends or relatives to a cookoff using only 5 ingredients that you already have on hand. Here are some recipes to get started.
- Catch up on some of Zuken’s other blog posts here!
We’re in this together!
No matter how long it takes, we’re here to support you through the uncertainty – we’re in this together! Though we’re not on the road traveling to visit customers in person, it’s still business as usual. We’ve got the staff, solutions, and infrastructure in place to support you. If you have support questions, call us. If you have a training need, call us. Don’t hesitate to contact us with a problem and we’ll do everything we can to help.
Stay safe and be well!
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