E3.series software interface highlighting the 'Verify' menu option with sub-options for various standard verification and configuration checks in electrical and mechanical design

Tech-Tip: Configuring and Using Custom Verification Scripts


In this tech-tip, we will cover the steps for creating custom verification scripts.  This will ultimately create consistency in your verification process as well as saving you time as you can reuse this script from one design to the next.

Applications Engineer
Chris Groft is an Applications Engineer, focusing on Military/Aerospace customers and large scale E3.series integrations. In addition to 20+ years in the MIL/Aero industry, Chris brings a diverse skill set to bear for the customer's benefit. Streamlining the implementation process enables a customer to go from "0 to 60" very rapidly. Chris enjoys spending time cooking on his smoker, creating a variety of yummy smoked meats. He also likes collecting and drinking wine.

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