Tech Tip: Creating Wire Groups in E3.series


In Zuken’s E3.series, wire groups can be made up of a number of wires with identical characteristics but different part numbers. One group may contain all the available types of one specific manufacturer or one specific color.

The video below explains the creation of a wire group that has one specific color for all gauges.

Mike Petersen
Mike Petersen
Mr. Petersen has been with Zuken since 1990. His broad range of knowledge and skills has enabled him to take on various roles dealing with hybrid/MCM tools and technologies, 3D PCB design and wire harness design, and tool deployment. Throughout his tenure with Zuken, his main responsibilities have included applications engineering with special attention to integrating solutions into customers’ working environments. Since 2004, Mr. Petersen’s area of focus is on wire harness design, both in pre-sales and integration and deployment roles, with special emphasis on tool integration with E3.series.

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