
Process Re-Engineering with GENESYS

Improve Complex Processes and the Enterprise Itself

Properly Understand the Problem

Increasingly, organizations from an even broader array of industries are embracing the benefits of applying MBSE to their operations as they engineer processes, the engineering lifecycle, or the greater enterprise. The result: reductions in cost, risk, and cycle time, and improvements in quality, safety, efficiency, and enterprise alignment.

From improving the process of how products are made to improving the IT-based processes in a complex Digital Transformation project, GENESYS can help you to quickly and effectively improve almost any complex process and the enterprise itself.


Enhance Enterprise Efficiency

When engineering cyber-physical systems, the implementation technology is hardware, software, and humans in the system. When working in the process and enterprise domain, implementation takes the form of enhanced processes, policies, procedures, and organization.

While the form may be different, the concepts remain the same: properly understanding the problem, aligning the architecture to the requirements, process design and allocation, good interface design, and management.


GENESYS allows you capture and validate the “as is” of today to provide a solid starting point for process innovation

From the “As Is” of Today to the “To Be” of Tomorrow

Occasionally you have the opportunity to engineer a brand-new process. More often, you have the challenge of “re-building the plane in flight”—evolving and transforming an existing process framework to better meet the needs of today and tomorrow.

GENESYS allows you capture and validate the “as is” of today to start from a solid foundation. Starting from a solid understanding of interactions and dependencies between processes, exchanges, and teams, you can consider new requirements and processes with the confidence of impact analysis informed by bi-directional traceability and native process simulation.

Maintain and Update Your Process Architecture

GENESYS helps you engineer the right processes, mapping them to their requirements and implementation. But good process and enterprise architecture is not static documentation sitting on the shelf. It’s a living representation, evolving to reflect the reality of today’s implementation and the planned upgrades of tomorrow. With updated diagrams and documents generated on demand, Vitech tools enable you to focus on engineering your processes rather than updating your artifacts.

GENESYS natively supports the needs of the process engineer and enterprise architect
GENESYS autogenerates diagrams, tables, and reports on demand with guaranteed consistency

Increase Team Engagement

Good communication recognizes that different team members visualize and consume information differently. With rich and powerful view generators built upon the solid foundation of a proven information model, GENESYS autogenerates diagrams, tables, and reports on demand with guaranteed consistency. GENESYS easily interfaces with 3rd party tools, such as: Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Phoenix ModelCenter MBSE, and Simulink.

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