MBSE for Wire Harness Design

MBSE for Wire Harness Design


Keeping the Model Relevant Throughout The Product Life Cycle

One of the big challenges facing Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is keeping the model relevant throughout the product life cycle.  Without relevance, the model becomes an artifact of Systems Engineering and has limited ROI benefits.  Creating a model that provides the implementation design envelope and is directly connected to the detailed design process is the first step in model relevance.  A future webinar will cover how the Digital Thread provides the model connection to verification milestones or gates.

This webinar will discuss the challenges and best practices of creating a model for the purpose of wire harness and Electronic Control Units (ECU’s) implementation.  The contents of the model will be examined for the purpose of creating a design envelope for the implementation team.  A demonstration will use Vitech’s GENESYS to create a model and then move the model into E3.series for implementation.   Portions of the model defining the design envelope will be transferred to E3.series while others are only exposed to maintain model relevance.

What you will learn:

  1. Model content guidelines for wire harness design
  2. The importance of a design envelope for the implementation
  3. How a model can programmatically move to detailed design
  4. How parts of the model are exposed and not transferred
  5. The importance of architecture exploration for model verification

Who should attend:

Systems engineers, electrical design engineers, wire harness engineers, engineering managers


  • Name: Paul Harvell
  • Title:  Product Director of E3.series
  • Company: Zuken USA

paul-harvell-150pxPaul Harvell Is the Product Director of E3.series. He has been working with Electrical Design Solutions for the past 25 years. Installing, implementing, and training Zuken’s E3.series Application in different industry sectors ranging from small control panel application through vehicle wire harnessing all the way up to power station generation and distribution companies. He is also the architect and driving force behind the manufacturing tool – Harness Builder for E3.series.

  • Name: Bob Potock
  • Title:  VP Marketing
  • Company: Zuken USA

bob-potockBob Potock is Vice President of Marketing for Zuken USA and has been involved in hardware and software development throughout most of his career. He has held positions in engineering and marketing at companies that include Mentor Graphics, AT&T Bell Labs, Intel, and Unisys. Bob holds a BSEE degree from Case Western Reserve University and an MBA from Regis University.

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