Smart Cabinet Building: Picking – Labelling – Assembling

NOTE: A German language version of this webinar is also available – Register here.

Save up to 60% in time and efficiency

In control cabinet construction, complete proof of the installation of the machine/system and its components is required over the entire life cycle. This usually requires labelling in accordance with DIN EN ISO 81 346.

Are you wondering how this can work in times of increasing product diversity, fast-moving changes and a pronounced shortage of skilled workers? You will find the answer in this webinar.

By implementing digitalization and automation, our partner Armbruster and Weidmüller show you how the picking, labelling and assembly steps will help you save up to 60% per process step in time and efficiency.

In addition to the ELAM assistance systems from Armbruster, our partner Weidmüller will present the THM MultiMark LPC (Labeling Processing Center) from Weidmüller, a unique solution for automatic component labelling.

Learn from the Expert

  • Timo Tessin – Key Account Manager at Armbruster Engineering
  • Malte Zapf – Sales Representative at Armbruster Engineering
  • Faysal Dogan – Strategic Product Manager at Weidmüller

Who should attend

  • Plant Managers
  • Production Managers
  • Production Planners
  • Sales Managers
  • Electrical Hardware Designers.

Register now

Please note: We will share your contact details with our partner from the Smart Cabinet Building initiative.

Smart Cabinet Building

The aim of SMART CABINET BUILDING is to provide integrated solutions for current and future challenges in the area of cabinet building by networking technology and expertise across all process steps. This ranges from component selection to the pre-assembly of wire harnesses, equipment and housings, right through to assisted final assembly and testing prior to commissioning. The base for networking the process steps is the “digital twin”, a complete digital description of the control panel and its components that can be used to drive the various process steps.
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