Reaping the benefits of PCB design reuse with Zuken’s CR-8000

Re-using existing and proven designs is generally considered a viable approach to achieving substantial time and cost savings. By leveraging existing designs and components, you can avoid the effort and resources required to develop everything from the ground up. In its latest release 2023, CR-8000, Zuken’s design suite for advanced PCB design, leveraging existing designs has been significantly simplified in both the engineering frontend Design Gateway and the layout and routing applications of Design Force.

Loading sheets from multiple schematic designs

Instead of spending time and effort loading large schematic designs comprising numerous sheets, users can now start their design by mixing and matching selected pages from several existing designs. This feature enables the incorporation of specific elements from various designs or the utilization of template designs as a solid foundation. You can select and employ only the required sheets from arbitrary circuits, streamlining the design process and granting you the liberty to materialize your innovative ideas.

Reuse and edit circuits and text elements in your documentation

You now have the capability to copy circuits and text elements directly to the Windows clipboard from your favorite design software or documentation tool. Once copied, these elements can be easily inserted into your text documents, ensuring a seamless integration of graphical and textual content. The inserted elements can be displayed in color or black and white, allowing you to tailor the appearance to match the style and requirements of your documentation. This adaptability ensures that your documents maintain a professional and consistent look, regardless of their destination or purpose.

Reuse template areas for consistent multi-channel PCB layout and routing

The reuse of template areas is a new feature in CR-8000 Design Force that significantly boosts productivity and consistency in designs with multiple channels. It allows designers to create designated template blocks that encapsulate specific placement and routing patterns. These patterns can then be propagated automatically across all other blocks in the design, saving time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual replication. By reusing template areas, designers establish a baseline of consistency that spans across all channels. This results in a more cohesive design that is not only visually harmonious but also performs optimally.

Speed up your development process

Reusing designs with CR-8000 Design Gateway and CR-8000 Design Force allows you to expedite the development process. Since a significant portion of the work has already been done, you can focus on integrating and customizing existing components to meet the specific requirements of your project. This leads to faster time-to-market, which is crucial in competitive industries.

Klaus Wiedemann
Klaus Wiedemann
Klaus Wiedemann is responsible for Marketing across Europe responsible for web content, public relations, and marketing programs. He works with product management, technical experts, and customers to align and communicate Zuken products solutions with market needs. Klaus is an avid consumer of literature and belletristics, but he also likes to tinker with 'vintage' bicycles and motorbikes.
  • Press Release
mars 24, 2025
Zuken rejoint le IBM Research AI Hardware Center pour développer des solutions matérielles de prochaine génération pour l'intelligence artificielle.

Zuken a signé un accord de développement conjoint avec IBM pour innover dans l'intégration 3D des circuits, accélérer le hardware pour AI et optimiser les workflows EDA. Cette collaboration se concentre sur l'intégration hétérogène de puces, l'évaluation des accélérateurs d'apprentissage profond, let les tests de fiabilité. Ce partenariat souligne l'engagement de Zuken à stimuler l'innovation dans la conception de puces alimentées par l'IA et les solutions de packaging de semi-conducteurs de prochaine génération.

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AI Based PCB Place and Route
  • Webinar
mars 21, 2025
AI-Based PCB Place and Route

CR-8000 Webinar: Zuken recently announced the upcoming release of the industry’s first AI-based PCB place and route product - Autonomous Intelligent Place and Route (AIPR) - This webinar will examine how companies and users will benefit.

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  • Webinar
octobre 16, 2024
Advanced Electronics Collaboration: Zuken DS-CR and Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Discover how Zuken’s CR-8000/DS-CR integrates with Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, providing robust solutions for efficient data management and collaborative workflows between electrical and mechanical design teams.

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hands using a soldering tool on a PCB prototype, illustrating the integration of physical testing with pcb design software
  • Webinar
septembre 17, 2024
Optimizing PCB Design: From Schematic to Prototype Testing with CR-8000 and NoiseKen

In this Webinar, you will discover how to streamline your PCB design process with CR-8000, and seamlessly integrate prototype testing results using NoiseKen for enhanced accuracy and performance.

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