electrical drawing software

Functional Wiring and Fluid System Planning

Capture initial product design structure at a functional level

E3.FunctionalDesign - Electrical Drawing Software

In the development of electrical and electronic systems, sketches are often drawn at the beginning of a project to describe high-level functionality and the communication channels between individual modules. The electrical drawing software E3.FunctionalDesign supports the development of those first sketches which can then be used to drive the detailed wiring and fluid plans.

Create functional sketches in a digitally reusable format

Define system functions at a high level

Provide concept sketches for bidding processes

Specify and Communicate details to wiring diagram development

Functional Wiring and Fluid System Planning

The electrical drawing software automatically connects all components with the same signal and displays this mapping in properties that are stored in the dynamic components. Functional units can be moved between dynamic components at any time with the affected signals being immediately updated on the connection points.

After the desired functional units of a dynamic component are correctly assigned, the dynamic component is replaced by a standard component from the library. These standard components include the additional information needed to complete the project, such as connector, mating connector, and connector pin terminals.

The designs can later be detailed using the full E3.series environment.

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