Automatically generatate schematics/wiring diagrams
Automatic generation of schematics/wiring diagrams for assembly, service and after sales
Automatically generatate schematics/wiring diagrams
Definition of diagram placement and routing rules
Migrate and create standardized diagrams from legacy systems
Modify created diagrams in E³.cable
E3.Wiring Diagram Generator automatically generates schematics/wiring diagrams for development, service and after sales. It can also be used to migrate and create standardized diagrams from legacy systems. After defining the diagram placement and routing rules, schematic/wiring diagrams are generated automatically from a netlist (connection list in excel or CSV format). The diagrams created by E3.Wiring Diagram Generator can subsequently be modified using E³.cable. Additional functionality includes deleting and automatically rerouting connections, system and subsystem modification using the Update tool. All modifications can be optionally listed and highlighted.
E3.Wiring Diagram Generator functionality is integrated in the E3.cable user interface with its own easy-to-use toolbar. A broad range of diagrams from simple from-to connections to more complex environments can be processed. For example, variants, splices, inline connectors and wiring display symbols are all supported.