Resources by Webinar

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Stay on the leading edge of PCB, electrical and data management technologies

65 results found
Engineering in the Cloud
  • Webinar
août 18, 2021
Managed Services: Running your Engineering IT Environment in the Cloud

As more organizations look to move their engineering IT to the cloud, we will present our essential guidelines and lessons learned to help you define your strategy to achieve your desired goals and plan for a sustainable migration.

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PCB Creepage Checking According to IPC Standards
  • Webinar
août 18, 2021
PCB Creepage Checking According to IPC Standards

Failing to adhere to Electrical insulation requirements could prevent your product from being released. Zuken's CR-8000 constraints management and safety standard checking tools can help you meet the required IPC standards.

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E3.ConnectivityBrowser - Automatic visualization of a digital connectivity data model
  • Webinar
août 13, 2021
Automatic visualization of connectivity data with E3.ConnectivityBrowser

In many use cases such as design analysis or field maintenance and repair, it is important to have access to exact schematic data and configurations. This webinar will explain how existing connection information to be automatically visualized as circuit diagram representations.

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WEBINAR E3.series Tools for Control Cabinet Manufacturing Automation
  • Webinar
août 12, 2021
E3.series Tools for Control Cabinet Manufacturing Automation

This webinar will provide details and demonstrations of the various tools available to help support the manufacturing automation of cabinet / panel designs.

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Options and Variants
  • Webinar
juillet 09, 2021
Defining and Implementing a Configurable Product Architecture – Webinar

A methodical approach to defining an optimal degree of variance before committing to detailed design in Zuken’s CR-8000 and E3.series.

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Design Data Management - DS-2
  • Webinar
juillet 09, 2021
PCB Design Change Workflow with CIM Database, CR-8000 and DS-CR

In this webinar, you will learn how a change request initiated in Contact Software flow through into CR-8000 and DS-CR then back to CIM Database

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Design Data Management - DS-2
  • Webinar
juillet 08, 2021
PCB Version Control and PLM with Zuken DS-CR and PTC Windchill

In this webinar, you will learn how a change request initiated in PTC Windchill will trigger a modification of the wiring harness design in CR-8000 and DS-CR

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  • Webinar
mars 04, 2021
Spécification des contraintes dans CR-8000

Dans ce webinaire, l'utilisation de Rule Stack Editor et de Clearance Class en conjonction avec le navigateur de contraintes sera expliquée étape par étape.

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DSE3 Starterpackage
  • Webinar
mars 04, 2021
Gérer un projet en toute simplicité avec le DS-E3 Starter Package

Dans ce webinaire nous voulons répondre à toutes ces questions et présenter une solution simple qui peut vous aider dans votre travail quotidien avec E3.series.

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Smart Cabinet: Task-oriented design of industrial assembly workplaces and workflows
  • Webinar
février 17, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Task-oriented design of industrial assembly workplaces and workflows

In this webinar our partner Timo Tessin from Armbruster Engineering will show you how to design workplaces in general, but also specifically for the field of control cabinet construction and what you should pay attention to.

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Digital Transformation
  • Webinar
janvier 25, 2021
Key Success Factors for Digital Transformation

Digital Twin, Digital Thread, PLM and MBSE - the buzzwords are following each other in ever faster succession, making it difficult to keep an overview. Oliver Hechtl, Head of Strategic DM/& I Solutions at Zuken GmbH, took a closer look at the various topics from a practitioner's point of view to bring some order to the web of topics.

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Smart Cabinet: Semi-automatic wire processing with the highly flexible Wire Processing Center
  • Webinar
janvier 22, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Semi-automatic wire processing with the highly flexible Wire Processing Center

Part of the Smart Cabinet Building partnership, this webinar we will show you the modular approach of the Wire Process Center from Weidmüller.

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  • Webinar
décembre 20, 2020
Smart Cabinet: Paperless testing and commissioning with E3.WiringChecks

In this webinar we will demonstrate the possibilities of E3.WiringChecks based on a concrete and consistent application example.

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  • Webinar
novembre 27, 2020
Smart Cabinet: Fully automatic assembly and marking with RailAssembler and RailLaser

In this webinar we will show you with the Klippon® Automated RailAssembler an economic solution for the assembly of mounting rails and with the Klippon® Automated RailLaser the next level of fully automatic marking of mounting rails, which allows time savings of up to 90%.

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smart cabinet building
  • Webinar
novembre 04, 2020
Smart Cabinet: From implementation to Customer success

In this webinar we will discuss and show how customers are implementing the Smart Cabinet Building solutions - saving them both time and costs.

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  • Webinar
octobre 20, 2020
Smart Cabinet: Automate Cable Harnessing – including innovative marking solutions

The new labeling solution from Komax integrates a thermal transfer printer for shrink sleeves directly into the automated wire production process.

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