The enhanced formboard copilot helps designers draw their harness segments quickly and efficiently.

Zuken Introduces Harness Builder 2025 for E3.series with Enhanced Integration and Documentation Capabilities

Latest Release Enhances Wiring Harness Design with Expanded Automation, Formboard Copilot Features, and Direct Machine Integration

Westford, USA, and Munich, Germany, Sept. 11, 2024 – Zuken, a global leader in electrical and electronic digital engineering solutions, is proud to unveil the 2025 version of its industry-leading Harness Builder for E3.series software. This release introduces powerful new features and enhancements designed to elevate the precision, flexibility, and efficiency of wiring harness design and manufacturing.

“With this release we are focusing more on the application’s usability by expanding the features to our formboard copilot and adding automation to splice handling with direct integration to Telsonic welding machines. In response to customer feedback, we’ll continue to add more exports to industry-standard machinery while maintaining strong relationships with our existing partners.”, comments Paul Harvell, Vice President of Engineering for Zuken USA. “Harness Builder for E3.series is constantly evolving. The latest application update continues to revolutionize the harness manufacturing shop floor.”

Design made Easier with Copilot Enhancements

Harness Builder 2025 transforms the process of drawing a backbone or segment to a specific length making it even more effective. Previously, when utilizing the formboard copilot feature, users could input the desired length of a segment and then quickly add points to the drawing. As users add points, the copilot displays the added segment length, the total length used, and the remaining distance to achieve the total length. With the 2025 release, the formboard copilot feature introduces a new dialog for entering precise point coordinates, angles, and lengths, substantially enhancing design precision and speed. These improvements empower users to create designs with even greater accuracy and efficiency.

The enhanced formboard copilot helps designers draw their harness segments quickly and efficiently.
The enhanced formboard copilot helps designers draw their harness segments quickly and efficiently.

Extended Design Variation Support

Utilizing Harness Configuration Information

Options and variants are excellent for expanding your project designs to include multiple configurations. E3.series simplifies creating and assigning options and variants throughout the project. Now, Harness Builder manages this information to generate accurate bills of materials (BOMs) and wire lists based on the active option and variant selection, offering greater flexibility in managing product configurations. The BOM and wire lists will only include the necessary items for the build.

Modular harness design updates

In the 2021 release of Harness Builder for E3.series, we introduced the Dash Number feature to help organize modular harness designs. This feature allows for capturing multiple variations of a harness based on the original design, saving considerable time and effort for design teams. Dash numbers can be used as variables to manage part numbers and cable segments on a formboard, accommodating differences such as environmental requirements and device model variations.
In the 2025 release, we have further enhanced this functionality to improve the BOM outputs. Harness Builder now organizes the BOM outputs into separate tabs for different dash number variants, simplifying complex design management.

Precision-enhanced wire length calculations

Our development team is continuously improving our software to better serve our customers. Our latest release introduces a significant enhancement based on valuable customer feedback. A new length calculation option allows users to add the length to the front of the connector for precise wire length measurements, enhancing design accuracy.

Introducing a new length calculation option to deliver precise cut lengths tailored to our customers’ needs.
Introducing a new length calculation option to deliver precise cut lengths tailored to our customers’ needs.

Additional Automation for Manufacturing Documentation

Designers are always looking for automation to reduce time-consuming tasks. The software can now automatically place missing connector table symbols. This improvement increases design efficiency and saves time by eliminating the manual steps of connector table placement.

Advanced Equipment Integration for Manufacturing and Quality

In each new version of Harness Builder for E3.series, we are expanding our integrations with manufacturing and testing equipment. These integrations promote better collaboration between departments and enable increased smart manufacturing automation. The latest release maintains this trend with the following integrations:

  • Adaptronic Harness Testing Integration: Seamlessly output designs to the adaptronic wire harness testers, ensuring accurate testing and validation directly from the design environment.
  • Telsonic Welding File Support: Harness Builder now outputs to the Telsonic ultrasonic splice welder, enabling users to control ultrasonic welding equipment directly from their design files, streamlining the manufacturing process.
  • OMA Braiding Machine Output: Enhance your designs with integrated braiding capabilities. The software now adds braiding to drawings and provides detailed estimates for manufacturing time, yarn length, weight, and cost, ensuring optimal material use and production efficiency.
Harness Builder 2025 for E3.series continues to expand the export capabilities to industry-standard machines.
Harness Builder 2025 for E3.series continues to expand the export capabilities to industry-standard machines.

Enhanced Design Collaboration

Our customers are particularly interested in the direct connection to ERP systems. In this 2025 release, we have expanded our ERP integrations to include a Berrylium interface, enabling a seamless connection of the Harness Builder BOM with Berrylium for comprehensive data synchronization across platforms.

Collaborating with mechanical CAD platforms is also valuable for our customers. Users can broaden their design possibilities with the new support for PTC Onshape. The option to share E3.series connectivity data facilitates smoother transitions between CAD platforms. As a result, users can utilize the web-based PTC Onshape to create mechanical designs.

Committed to Innovation

These updates reflect Zuken’s commitment to continuous innovation, ensuring that the Harness Builder for E3.series remains at the forefront of wiring harness design technology. The 2025 release empowers engineers and designers with the tools they need to meet the demands of increasingly complex electrical systems while enhancing productivity and reducing time-to-market.
Harness Builder 2025 for E3.series will be available early this Autumn.

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