SamacSys PCB Parts Libraries for CR-8000

Zuken’s CR-8000 Now Supported in SamacSys PCB Parts Libraries

13 December 2017 – Munich, Germany and Westford, MA, USA – Zuken has expanded its partnership with SamacSys to enable engineers and designers to download part information, symbols, footprints, and 3D models within their CR-8000 library to support their prototype or production design.

This expansion means that SamacSys, a leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data, now supports all Zuken’s PCB design tools with their library of free, high-quality schematic and PCB symbols and footprints. These are: CR-8000 3D PCB design platformCR-5000 single board design solution; and CADSTAR desktop PCB design solution.

SamacSys PCB components can be imported directly into the Zuken CR-8000 design environment.

Free High-Quality PCB Symbols & Footprints Now Available for All Zuken PCB Tools

SamacSys’ suite of tools is unique in the industry in offering a live, IPC standard quality-checked component library; rather than static files that quickly date. Their mission is to help companies develop component libraries rapidly, freeing-up time for product innovation.

Humair Mandavia, Chief Strategy Officer at the SOZO Center, Zuken’s Silicon Valley R&D base, says: “Engineers in Silicon Valley and across the globe want to focus their time on driving their best ideas to market, and are becoming increasingly dependent on accessing standard-compliant content for their PCB designs. Especially at prototype stage, accessing content from SamacSys’ libraries could make a big commercial difference.”


Alex MacDougall, Managing Director at SamacSys, says: “Within the current agile and fast moving electronic product market, engineers are embracing a rapid prototyping design environment and with the help of SamacSys’ services can deliver on costs, availability and design time goals.”

Engineers and PCB Designers can access components by searching in SamacSys’ Electronic Component Search Engine, containing more than 11 million components, click to download and import the component into the CR-8000 environment. Accessing library content from SamacSys dramatically reduces component development time and improves design quality during the product development cycle – ultimately reducing costs. As well as component data, users have easy access to part numbers, datasheets, stock levels and pricing from supported vendors.

Where a component is not available within the library, SamacSys’ PCB Library Wizard allows user to create their own IPC-compliant components for instant download. Alternatively, SamacSys offers a free part creation service, with 80% of new parts requests fulfilled within 24 hours (as measured during 2016).

For more information, including detailed import instructions, see or

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