

A joint initiative sponsored by Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, nVent Hoffman / Steinhauer and Armbruster Engineering providing integrated cabinet manufacturing solutions.

Adressing Challenges Together

Opening new opportunities through digitalization in control cabinet manufacturing with customized, integrated solutions: To achieve this goal, the companies Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, nVent Hoffman / Steinhauer, and Armbruster Engineering have founded the SMART CABINET BUILDING initiative. These companies – technology leaders in different areas of electrical cabinet building – are now pooling their expertise and know-how


What is the Smart Cabinet Building initiative?

– Bringing together Technology and Expertise

Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, nVent Hoffman / Steinhauer and Armbruster Engineering have launched the SMART CABINET BUILDING initiative to provide new solutions in electrical cabinet manufacturing. The partners are joining forces to leverage the potential of digitalization in electrical cabinet manufacturing with customized, end-to-end solutions.

Leveraging Digitalisation

The control cabinet industry is facing many different challenges: a wide variety of technical options, rapidly changing customer requirements, cost and price pressure, and tight delivery deadlines. Addressing these challenges requires the utilization of automation and digitalization in a perfect combination of product, process, and production resources.

Technology and Expertise

Digitalization offers many options for the optimization of production processes. However, overall productivity increases can only be achieved if the individual aspects of the value-added process are taken into consideration. Our goal is to provide comprehensive solutions for today's and future challenges in control cabinet manufacturing by networking technology and expertise across all process stages.

Smart Tailored Solutions

Currently, there is a lack of consistent, cost-effective solutions to meet the individual needs of the control cabinet industry.To enable the electrical cabinet building industry to unlock the potentials of digitalization with tailored solutions, Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, nVent Hoffman / Steinhauer and Armbruster Engineering have joined forces to launch the SMART CABINET BUILDING initiative

The objective of SMART CABINET BUILDING is to provide comprehensive solutions for the challenges in control cabinet construction by networking technology and expertise across all process steps. Digital engineering data created and enhanced by Zuken’s E3.series provide a solid foundation for all aspects of digital production, assembly and servicing.

The automation of control cabinet manufacturing and assembly has a significant potential for cost-efficient on-shore production. The digital twin created in E3.series provides an excellent foundation for all downstream processes.

Joachim Frank Managing Director, Zuken E3 GmbH

Take the Smart Cabinet Building Tour

Watch seminars from KOMAX, with contributions from all the Smart Cabinet Building partners

Smart Cabinet Building Website

To centralise the information from the five partners, Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, nVent Hoffman / Steinhauer and Armbruster Engineering a dedicated website has been created.

For detailed information about participating companies and scheduled events, please visit the SMART CABINET BUILDING website.

Go to the Smart Cabinet Building website

On-Demand Webinars

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  • Webinar
juillet 27, 2022
Smart Cabinet Building: Groupement de compétences et de savoir-faire pour les défis de fabrication de vos armoires de demain

Dans ce webinaire nous vous proposons d’illustrer « Du numérique au physique » comment spécifier le jumeau numérique et l'utilisation des données pour la fabrication automatisée et assistée.

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Component Marking made easy with support of E3.series and the Print Jet Connect
  • Webinar
novembre 01, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Component Marking made easy with support of E3.series and the Print Jet Connect

In this webinar, you will learn about the many ways to label products and how easy and efficient it can be with E3.series and Print Jet Connect.

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smart cabinet building
  • Webinar
octobre 07, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Enabler Product Data - quickly found and efficiently used

This webinar will show you how digital product data can support you to develop and produce your control cabinet faster and in a more flexible and economical way.

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WEBINAR E3.series Tools for Control Cabinet Manufacturing Automation
  • Webinar
août 12, 2021
E3.series Tools for Control Cabinet Manufacturing Automation

This webinar will provide details and demonstrations of the various tools available to help support the manufacturing automation of cabinet / panel designs.

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Smart Cabinet: Task-oriented design of industrial assembly workplaces and workflows
  • Webinar
février 17, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Task-oriented design of industrial assembly workplaces and workflows

In this webinar our partner Timo Tessin from Armbruster Engineering will show you how to design workplaces in general, but also specifically for the field of control cabinet construction and what you should pay attention to.

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Smart Cabinet: Semi-automatic wire processing with the highly flexible Wire Processing Center
  • Webinar
janvier 22, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Semi-automatic wire processing with the highly flexible Wire Processing Center

Part of the Smart Cabinet Building partnership, this webinar we will show you the modular approach of the Wire Process Center from Weidmüller.

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