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Resta aggiornato sulle tecnologie PCB, elettriche e di gestione dei dati

63 risultato trovato
  • Webinar
Febbraio 17, 2025
ECAD/MCAD Integration for Efficient Harness Design

Explore how Zuken’s E3.series integrates seamlessly with leading MCAD tools like Siemens' NX and Solid Edge, Dassault's CATIA V5 / V6 and SolidWorks, PTC’s Creo, and Autodesk’s Inventor for efficient harness design - includes a detailed demonstration of how Siemens NX can be integrated with E3.series.

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  • Webinar
Gennaio 30, 2025
E3.series Report Generator
Webinar, E3.ReportGenerator
  • Webinar
Ottobre 16, 2024
Advanced Electronics Collaboration: Zuken DS-CR and Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Discover how Zuken’s CR-8000/DS-CR integrates with Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, providing robust solutions for efficient data management and collaborative workflows between electrical and mechanical design teams.

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hands using a soldering tool on a PCB prototype, illustrating the integration of physical testing with pcb design software
  • Webinar
Settembre 17, 2024
Optimizing PCB Design: From Schematic to Prototype Testing with CR-8000 and NoiseKen

In this Webinar, you will discover how to streamline your PCB design process with CR-8000, and seamlessly integrate prototype testing results using NoiseKen for enhanced accuracy and performance.

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  • Webinar
Luglio 29, 2024
Come affrontare le sfide della progettazione di PCB layer stackup e del track impedance control in un’approccio cooperativo

In questo webinar verrà presentato un flusso di progettazione di PCB ottimizzato che combina la tecnologia Zuken CR-8000 con le funzionalità di ottimizzazione dello stackup fornite da Polar Speedstack™.

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Digital Transformation
  • Webinar
Giugno 28, 2023
Model-Based Systems Engineering to help navigate Digital Transformation

This webinar will explore the fundamentals of systems engineering and the model-based approach. and the importance of MBSE in addressing the increasing complexity of product design within Zuken's Electrical and Electronic design environments.

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  • Webinar
Luglio 29, 2022
DS-E3 Starter Package La gestione dei progetti semplificata

In questa presentazione vedremo e toccheremo con mano i principali vantaggi di utilizzare la piattaforma DS-E3 Starter Package. una soluzione di Desing Data Management “pronta all’uso” completamente integrata nell’ambiente E3, in grado di gestire esigenze e flussi di lavoro per cui i progettisti si trovano a dover affrontare ogni giorno.

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  • Webinar
Luglio 28, 2022
Armadio Elettrico digitale Dati di produzione e manutenzione forniti da E3.series

Sulla base di un prospetto sullo stato attuale del progetto delle iniziative Smart Cabinet Building, la presentazione si concentrerà sul tema della fornitura di un contesto circuitale pertinente presso il punto di assistenza.

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  • Webinar
Luglio 28, 2022
Zuken DS-CR shared Design

Con l’aumento della complessità dei progetti elettronici, la necessaria specializzazione dei progettisti e la loro distribuzione nel territorio, diventa fondamentale la progettazione concorrente con la condivisione dei database di progetto. Zuken DS-CR offre al possibilità controllata di gestire questo tipo di progettazione condivisa.

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Component Marking made easy with support of E3.series and the Print Jet Connect
  • Webinar
Novembre 01, 2021
Smart Cabinet: Component Marking made easy with support of E3.series and the Print Jet Connect

In this webinar, you will learn about the many ways to label products and how easy and efficient it can be with E3.series and Print Jet Connect.

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CR-8000 Mechanical Collaboration
  • Webinar
Settembre 07, 2021
CR-8000 Mechanical Collaboration

In ambito mechatronico non è più sufficiente importare i vincoli di Progetto con Dxf, Idf, IDX che sono file intermedi. Con CR-8000 Design Force è possible la creazione della board e dei suoi vincoli dal formato native del disegno meccanico.

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  • Webinar
Agosto 19, 2021
Design for Test: Using TestWay to drive Digital Continuity from Design through to Production

In this webinar you will see how Design for Test (DfT) using TestWay from Aster Technologies can be integrated into a CR-8000 design flow to allow users to analyze their design at each stage of the design to delivery workflow, avoiding the traditional problems associated with traditional post-layout testing, prior to transfer of the CAD data to production.

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Component cloud
  • Webinar
Agosto 18, 2021
Component Library Integration with ECAD-PORT and Zuken

Zuken partner ECAD-PORT presents services around the Component Cloud for E3.series, which are designed to make building and maintaining E3.series libraries easier and more economical.

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IC Power Modules - Implementation features with Design Force
  • Webinar
Agosto 18, 2021
IC Power Module Design with CR-8000 Design Force

The typical design flow for a power module is in MCAD, where only structural analysis is possible. Moving to a new design flow using CR-8000 Design Force also allows for electrical analysis too. This webinar will demonstrate the features and benefits of this new design flow.

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Engineering in the Cloud
  • Webinar
Agosto 18, 2021
Managed Services: Running your Engineering IT Environment in the Cloud

As more organizations look to move their engineering IT to the cloud, we will present our essential guidelines and lessons learned to help you define your strategy to achieve your desired goals and plan for a sustainable migration.

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  • Webinar
Agosto 15, 2021
CR-8000 with the Ansys Electronic Desktop

This webinar will introduce the use of the Ansys Electronic Database (EDB) format to share information from CR-8000 Design Force to Ansys, the advantages beyond the former ANF-based interface, and how this can help users be more effective and productive.

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