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Resta aggiornato sulle tecnologie PCB, elettriche e di gestione dei dati

63 risultato trovato
smart cabinet building
  • Webinar
Settembre 30, 2020
Smart Cabinet: How to Digitize Electrical Cabinet Design and Manufacturing

Opening new opportunities through digitization in control cabinet manufacturing with customized, integrated solutions,The SMART CABINET BUILDING initiative brings together Weidmüller, Komax, Zuken, and Armbruster Engineering - This webinar will show you a complete user journey.

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  • Webinar
Settembre 23, 2020
MBSE for Wire Harness Design

This webinar will discuss the challenges and best practices of creating a MBSE model for the purpose of wire harness and Electronic Control Units (ECU’s) implementation.

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EMC for PCB Designers
  • Webinar
Settembre 14, 2020
EMC for PCB Designers

In this presentation, an EMC minded PCB design approach is presented, allowing designers to understand which EMC rules will apply to PCB projects and how EMC analysis capabilities can be utilized in the CAD flow to reduce the risk of EMC compliance failure once the board is manufactured.

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how to manage electrical design data with the ds-e3 starter package
  • Webinar
Settembre 14, 2020
Project Management made easy – DS-E3 Starter Package

Who doesn’t recognise this? Many versions, many intermediate results, many copies, who has the latest version? Where is it stored? Who is currently working on it? Which settings, structure and database is the right one? We want to answer all these questions in this presentation.

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  • Webinar
Luglio 06, 2020
Practical Signal Integrity for improved EMI Control in PCB Design

In our webinar we will provide an introduction to the challenges of signal integrity and the underlying physical effects. This will provide the basis for practical tips to address the related challenges during PCB design.

pcb design rules and constraint management
  • Webinar
Giugno 04, 2020
Constraint Specification in CR-8000

In this webinar the use of the Rule Stack Editor and Clearance Class in conjunction with the Constraint Browser will be explained step by step.

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Solving the Digital Engineering puzzle
  • Webinar
Giugno 03, 2020
Solving the Systems Engineering, Digital Engineering, and MBSE Puzzle

This webinar will discuss the relationship between systems engineering, digital engineering, and MBSE in creating the framework we need to deliver complex products.

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ddr5 pcb design
  • Webinar
Novembre 18, 2019
How to be First to Market with DDR5!

DDR5 is the latest generation of memory. In this joint webinar with Keysight Technologies, we’ll begin with pre-layout simulation, then transition to CR-8000. The design will then be verified by Electromagnetic (EM) simulation and system simulations in Keysight ADS, in order to build confidence in the final DDR5 design.

3D Wire Harness Topology Exploration and Optimization
  • Webinar
Ottobre 03, 2019
Esplorazione e ottimizzazione della topologia di cablaggio in 3D
Webinar, E3.series – Progettazione Elettrica
  • Webinar
Dicembre 12, 2018
Rilasciare il tuo progetto su PLM è più complicato di quanto pensassi
Webinar, DS-CR, DS-2
  • Webinar
Dicembre 05, 2018
Progettazione simultanea di schemi e pannelli di produzione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica
Webinar, E3.schematic, E3.cable
  • Webinar
Dicembre 03, 2018
Rilevamento delle violazioni delle tolleranze di cablaggi e dei componenti
Webinar, E3.eCheck
  • Webinar
Dicembre 03, 2018
Ottimizzazione dei processi: Industria degli impianti e dei macchinari
Webinar, Privato: ECAD/MCAD Integration, Electro-Mechanical Cabinet Design, Manufacturing and Service Documentation, Macchinari & Automazione, Privato: Industrial Plant
  • Webinar
Dicembre 03, 2018
L’ingegneria elettrica e dei fluidi nell’era dell’Internet delle cose
  • Webinar
Dicembre 03, 2018
Come evitare errori di progettazione del pannello elettrico
Webinar, E3.schematic, E3.cable, E3.panel
  • Webinar
Novembre 29, 2018
Nozioni di base sull’automazione della progettazione dei cablaggi 2
Webinar, E3.cable, E3.panel, E3.formboard, Privato: Industrial Plant