Paperless Engineering with E3.WiringChecks and E3.WiringCockpit

Paperless Manufacturing with E3.series

On-Demand Video


Paperless engineering improves accuracy, traceability, and schedule.  Communication gaps riddle engineering companies, and E3.series tools E3.WiringChecks and E3.WiringCockpit is here to facilitate communication between design, checking, commissioning, technicians, and all parties involved after the initial design.  Engineering design is only as good as the downstream stakeholders who check, build, and verify it, and these tools ensure everyone’s input is implemented accurately and completely.

E3.WiringChecks improves communication between design and checking or commissioning.  It builds upon E3.Redliner by allowing users to annotate drawings with detailed comments, categorize error types, and trace the full error cycle through discovery, correction, and validation.

E3.WiringCockpit improves communication between design and installation technicians.  It is a simple user interface displaying wire-by-wire work instructions.  This results in quantifiable benefits of faster cycle times and improved build accuracy.

What you will learn:

  1. How to reduce paper when checking drawings
  2. Using E3.WiringChecks to document commissioning
  3. Benefits of tracking checking information digitally
  4. Electronically display panel wiring installation instructions with E3.WiringCockpit
  5. How E3.series facilitates communication between design, manufacturing, and commissioning

Who should attend:

Electrical engineering, quality assurance, testing, manufacturing, commissioning, product/program managers.

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