Zuken’s E3.series is an essential tool for electrical designers to create quality products in the shortest time frame possible. Every aspect of the design is presented with automation capabilities to ensure quality, accuracy, and speed are unmatched across the design tool spectrum.
E3.toolbox is the most versatile productivity tool to help E3.series users quickly and effectively make reporting changes. The entire existence of toolbox is predicated on improving productivity and accelerating the adoption of good documentation practices. The 2019 version of E3.toolbox builds upon a strong foundation to increase the effectiveness of design documentation.
E3.toolbox ExcelPaste
The ExcelPaste option is the latest addition to the E3.toolbox, entirely driven by popular demand. The relationship between the engineering community and Microsoft® Excel™ is by no means breaking news. The use of spreadsheets varies across the board and E3.toolbox ExcelPaste is geared towards reusing the existing information in Excel to improve the documentation process.
The ExcelPaste tool provides a simple process to copy and paste information from Microsoft Excel directly into E3.series. The easy-to-use options provide control over the font, color, and even scale to be used inside E3.series. The default option replicates the Excel file and settings with additional options provide more granular control. The simplicity of using one button to paste large tables and calculations directly into a drawing without the need to create and manage tables is what makes ExcelPaste the most exciting addition to the E3.toolbox ever!

E3.toolbox Bill of Materials
The B.O.M. update adds the option to report the standard as well as alternate parts numbers for devices and connectors. This is particularly effective when it comes to wires and wiring bundles. The production and purchasing teams can obtain information for swapping parts without searching for internal databases.
The B.O.M. tool now includes the reporting options to combine or split multiple assemblies/harnesses. The assemblies and harnesses can be grouped with a simple selection process. The graphical representation of the material data was always simple and effective. Now, the new enhancement makes it even more effective with the use of symbol characteristics, removing the need to manage multiple symbols inside the library.
E3.toolbox Wire Run List
The WRL tool provides a comprehensive list of wires with all the information about the wires in an easy to interpret table. The latest addition increases the scope of the information to include the connectivity information across the system blocks and block connectors. The ability to see system-level information increases the effectiveness of the wire run list for manufacturing, assembly, and troubleshooting.
The goal of the WRL tool is to enhance the wiring information derived from the design and effectively communicate the design intent for downstream processes. The latest update adds unmatched wiring details to include information about wire end treatments as well as information from the connecting devices such as wire seals, cavity parts, twists, and shielding options.
E3.toolbox empowers designers to maximize production value by helping create precise documentation without spending time on customization for different use cases. The 2019 version of E3.toolbox is by far the most exciting with the addition of new tools and novel upgrades to the existing ones. Simply put, it is the best toolbox ever!