Lilli Schuetze joined Zuken in 2019 after completing her master’s degree at the University of
Applied Science
Kiel. She works as a technical marketing content author at the European headquarters in Munich, Germany, and recently took the time to chat with me and share her story.
In 2019 I graduated from college with a degree in industrial engineering and a focus in marketing. Exited and nervous at the same time, I started the next chapter of my life at Zuken.
Moving across the country
On a whim, I moved across the country, and a year later I can safely say it was the best decision ever. If it weren’t for that leap, I’d never have landed at Zuken.

The people at Zuken made the transition from college into my “first real job” easy for me with lots of training and advice and since then my post-grad life started falling into place. All the hard work for school projects and finals finally paid off and I get to apply my engineering and marketing skills while learning new things every day.
What I love most about working at Zuken is that everyone is encouraged to voice their opinion, ask questions, and has the chance to share their own ideas.
A year in the life
My first year at Zuken was exciting, challenging, and rewarding. And it did not go exactly as planned! Having to adjust to working a full-time job and then just a couple months later, adjust to working from home when the pandemic hit was not part of my original plan. But I appreciate the measures the management team has taken to ensure our safety.
Zuken is a pioneer in the digitization of cabinet building and other areas in the fields of electrical and electronic engineering, so the digital collaboration within the organization was already in place and working from day one. Except for when I forgot I had muted myself to sip on a cup of coffee.
You’re on mute.
– Most popular quote of 2020
We all have mastered the art of virtual meetings. But not only meetings are virtual now – trade shows, conferences, training classes were all moved online to adjust to the new way we work with one another. This opens up a whole world of possibilities. Now is the time to explore new ways of exhibiting and interacting. Find out more about virtual events that Zuken is taking part in here.
I will be attending my first online conference this week and I’m curious to see how it goes. I will also be taking over Zuken’s Instagram channel so be sure to follow us on social and I’ll fill you in on the details. I’m excited!
Creativity takes courage
My daily tasks could not be more diverse. They range from blogging to graphic design, to search engine optimization, to website analytics and back. And that’s just a few of the things I regularly work on.
On my projects, I get to be creative and collaborate not only with my colleagues in marketing but also with other departments such as sales or software development. This is a big part of what makes my job so interesting.
On the weekends, I try to get outside as much as possible. The mountains at my fingertips, I enjoy hiking, camping, skiing, and biking.
Henri Matisse once said: “Creativity takes courage.” I consider this to be spot on. I find inspiration in my work, my colleagues, and my hobbies. Getting out of my comfort zone climbing mountains or taking on new responsibilities at work helps me to pursue my inspiration and apply it in everyday tasks. It helps me grow personally as well as professionally.
Did you enjoy this post? Meet some of our other team members: Taras, Geo, Tom, and Mark. Be sure to follow us on social and watch for Lilli’s Employee Takeover on October 2nd.