This video is a demonstration of how to import a wire to-from list in harness builder. This feature allows the user to define connection information such as signals, the to/from devices, cavity information, and the wires/cables in Excel to import into an E3.series project. The data from the imported Excel file will automatically be added to the user’s project ready to be used. The pre-populated device tree saves the user time instead of manually adding each component from the database.
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E3.series is a Windows-based, scalable, easy-to-learn system for the design of wiring and control systems, hydraulics and pneumatics. The out-of-the-box solution includes schematic (for circuit and fluid diagrams), cable (for advanced electrical and fluid design), panel (for cabinet and panel layout), and formboard (for 1:1 wiring harness manufacturing drawings). Integrated with MCAD, E3.series is a complete design engineering solution from concept through physical realization and manufacturing output.