E3.Series 2023 updates

Tech Tip: Show Component Difference When Updating in Project


Streamlining Revisions with the Latest E3.series Feature

Returning to older projects, whether for revisions or referencing, often entails updating various components within the project. This process can be daunting for many users, especially when uncertainty looms over the changes these updates may introduce.

E3.Series 2020 marked a pivotal change by introducing a feature to demystify this process. This enhancement, further refined in E3.series 2023, allows users to see all differences between the project’s current components, symbols, models, and those in the database.

Making Informed Decisions with the Show Differences Window

The “Show Differences” window in E3.series 2023 is a game-changer for project revisions. This tool presents a detailed comparison, enabling users to make informed decisions about updating objects within their projects. With this transparency, the hesitation surrounding updates can be significantly reduced, allowing for smoother project management and more efficient revision processes.

E3 2023 24.10

Mike Majewski
Mike Majewski
Applications Engineer