Using the Format Painter Commands in E3.series

Tech Tip: Using the Format Painter Commands in E3.series


The format painter in our different office tools is a handy feature. Just like you would use this command to transfer formatting from one cell to another of a worksheet. You can also leverage this command in your E3.series projects. The format painter commands of E3.series allow you to copy attributes of graphical properties from one object to another. Using these format painter commands saves you from the extra manual effort which in return saves you time.

Using the properties menu to add attributes or change graphic information can be labor-intensive. If you need to replicate already applied changes from one object to another. This being an attribute or graphical change. Why go through the work again?

Simply use the format painter commands to transfer the properties to those other objects. There are two format painter commands in E3.series. The first is the Attribute Format Painter. This command allows you to copy and transfer attributes from one object to another. The second is the Graphical Format Painter command. Likewise, this command copies and transfers graphical information.

In this video, I will demonstrate examples of using both format painter commands.

Laura Mirto
Laura Mirto
E3.series Technical Marketing Manager
Laura Mirto is the E3.series Technical Marketing Manager in North America. As a former E3.series applications engineering team member, providing useful information to our current and potential customers will always be one of her passions. One of Laura's favorite hobbies is arts and crafts; she is always up for learning a new art form.