MBSE for Genesys

Manage and Communicate Product Information

Whether you are developing an unprecedented product to open a new market, or upgrading an existing product to meet user needs, dealing with complexity is critical to project success. It’s essential that you properly understand the problem, evaluate alternative architectures, understand interactions and dependencies, and manage risks and interfaces.

GENESYS helps elicit, manage, and communicate product information so that your team is free to focus on innovation. You can handle competing, evolving demands in the design of a complex product with confidence, knowing that the tools support completeness and consistency.

Decisions and traceability

Develop and maintain a source of truth for the system

Avoid making decisions based on outdated information. As you engineer, Vitech tools naturally become the systems engineering source of truth, spanning need to behavior, architecture, verification, and validation.

Move with speed, confidence, and agility as you work from what you know to what you don’t. Capture the design journey—concerns, risks, alternatives, decisions, and rationale—alongside the outcome, and equip yourself to adapt to changing requirements and technologies while simultaneously enabling defensibility and trust.

Vitech Genesys
GENESYS spans requirements to behavior, architecture, and validation in one single system
Genesys - Reduce the learning curve
GENESYS provides a solid information framework, embedded systems engineering diagnostics and model assistants to accelerate systems engineering

Map your product evolution

Products often evolve from one generation to the next with design starting with the “as-built” architecture. This may be a legacy product that the customer wants to upgrade or it may be a greater technology refresh to unlock greater performance.

With GENESYS you can capture your existing architecture with clarity and perform a gap analysis between the as-is solution and the to-be capabilities, technologies, and constraints. Whether a simple evolution or a complete transformation, effectively harness insights from the current design to inform and accelerate the future, achieving a seamless transition to the to-be capabilities.

Increase team understanding with autogenerated diagrams

Successfully engineering complex products requires insights from a diverse group—customers, users, engineers, subject matter experts, and leaders. Effective engagement driving shared understanding requires far more than an information repository.

Combining the ease of Microsoft Visio with strong systems engineering semantics, GENESYS enables you to engineer and communicate with a rich library of views auto-generated on demand. As your design evolves, your diagrams automatically keep pace—no manual updates required!

Genesys - Visualize information your way
Complex products require insights from a diverse group—customers, users, engineers, subject matter experts, and leaders
Genesys - Accelerate design
With GENESYS, the specified product behavior is directly executable.

Improve the specified product behavior through digital verification

With increasingly compressed cycle times, the value of digital verification at every phase of product design cannot be overstated. Assess the validity of your product architecture through continuous simulation and analysis. Identify issues early, saving you money and time later on.

With GENESYS, the product behavior you specify is directly executable, enabling you to debug your behavioral architecture by directly checking for logical inconsistencies, resource contention, and timing issues. Combine design-dependent parameters managing the critical numerics of design with the power of parametric and commercial solvers to engineer with rigor.

Connect system architecture to detailed design

The products we build are reflections of our organizations. Flaws in the communication structure of an organization will manifest as defects in the product under development. Completely eliminate an entire class of design errors by connecting your design lifecycle.

Seamlessly flow your lowest-level system design from GENESYS to your detailed design tools. Maintain traceability to requirements, constraints, interface definitions, and design rationale. Equip your team to engineer effectively and efficiently throughout the design lifecycle.

Genesys - Verification and validation
With GENESYS you can seamlessly flow your system design to your detailed design tools
Genesys - Reduce the learning curve
GENESYS provides a solid information framework to accelerate your systems engineering practice

Accelerate the benefits of Systems Engineering

Good MBSE should reduce complexity, not increase it. GENESYS and its approach to systems engineering ease the burden while enriching the value.

Leveraging a modern user interface in the language of systems engineering (rather than software engineering!), with GENESYS, you can be productive in weeks, not months.

Features and Benefits

The process is based on a model built upon relationships. The model replaces document-based design. The model is typically created by the Systems Engineering team who converts system purpose into structure, behavior, and requirements.  The model is considered the single source of truth.

Relationships can be built textually or graphically. The model is stored so that views are generated from the model. Change the model and all the views will automatically incorporate the change.  View synchronization is automatic.

GENESYS comes ready to deliver SysML representations out of the box. If you need to leverage the power of SysML but want the flexibility of an integrated approach, GENESYS brings these elements together so you don’t have to compromise.

The architecture for the electrical and electronic subsystem is defined in the model and provides the design team with an implementation structure.

The product must meet specific performance, safety, and design requirements. The requirements are contained in the model and associated to design elements.

When the design transitions from System Engineering to the implementation team, a design envelope must be clearly defined. The design team then knows what are the acceptable parameters in terms of cost, weight, size, power, etc.

The model must remain relevant through the product development process. This is accomplished through verification gates which are comprised of a set of verification requirements. The design can not proceed to the next development phase until the gate requirements are satisfied.  This ensures the product is consistent with the model.

As the design moves through each verification gate, the model must be updated to reflect the verification requirement status. This allows Systems Engineering to monitor the design progress in terms of meeting verification requirements. As the design progresses through the implementation process, Systems Engineering has a window into its model consistency.

Create verification events comprised of a series of verification requirements that can, in turn, contain multiple requirements. Verification events create approval gates in the design process.

The Excel Connector provides read/write access to the design information in the model such as requirements, structure, verification requirements, etc. For instance, requirements can be added to a design element through the Excel Connector.

GENESYS provides a bidirectional connection to DOORS, a common requirement capture system. The bidirectional link allows for easy movement of requirements between GENESYS and DOORS.

Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering

Systems exist wherever these three are present: parts, relationships, and a purpose.
The 2nd edition of "A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering" addresses the elementary principles of MBSE in the context of practical illustrations. The book addresses the foundational concepts in a manner designed to benefit the newcomer and experienced practitioner alike. The brief excerpts below are drawn from across the primer, providing a sense of the scope and flavor of the MBSE principles discussed

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Webinar - Introduction to GENESYS 7.0

In releasing the latest version of our powerful model-based systems engineering software—GENESYS—Vitech enhances the capabilities of this robust tool. In this webinar, Mark Malinoski will highlight:
The enhanced connection of architecture and analytics with the new ModelCenter MBSE connector
New model management capabilities, including reuse of patterns and library components
An alert framework notifying users when their selected aspects of the model change...

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