Are you storing design files on a file server? Are there multiple versions of the same file? Is your process missing integrated project access controls and efficient approval processes?
Relying on traditional file servers for engineering project storage presents significant challenges. This setup leads to confusion, increased risk of errors, and unauthorized data access, ultimately bogging down teams with manual file management and complicating artifact generation. Dealing with these common issues leads teams to search for a more advanced, streamlined solution to safeguard data integrity, enhance collaboration, and ensure their teams work with the most up-to-date information.
The transition from traditional file storage methods to a streamlined data management solution with DS-E3. Let DS-E3 manage your data, encompassing your E3.series design files and the valuable artifacts generated from those designs.
Plunge into an informative session to comprehensively understand DS-E3’s capabilities and how it seamlessly interfaces with PLM systems. This webinar will explore:
- Access Controls & Approval Flows: Learn how to set up robust access controls and streamline approval processes to enhance project security and efficiency.
- Module Creation: Learn to reuse full designs such as high-level interconnects or schematics or reuse cables as modules and track them in new products.
- Document Generation: Discover the simplicity to facilitate effortless document generation.
- Variants and Options Management: Understand how DS-E3 handles complex variants and options, simplifying the management of diverse project requirements.
- BOM Generation: Gain insights into generating accurate Bills of Materials directly from your E3.series projects, ensuring consistency and reducing manual errors.
- PLM Integration: Explore the seamless integration between DS-E3 and PLM tools, enhancing data exchange and collaboration across platforms.
What you will learn:
- Learn to manage your multi-user and single-user projects in one location
- Implement versioning and revisioning of your projects
- Create and archive artifacts based on your E3.series designs
- Retrieve artifacts for viewing and sending to your PLM tool
- Manage access controls and workflows of your data
Who should attend:
- IT Managers
- CAD Administrators
- Production Managers
- Engineering Managers
- Electrical Engineers
- Harness Engineers
- Electrical Panel Designers
Taras Wallace – Applications Engineer DS Team, Zuken USA
Taras Wallace is an E3.series applications engineer helping customers use their solutions to the fullest. His work focuses on training, providing support, and implementing E3.series solutions. He loves aviation and traveling the world as often as possible.
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E3.series is a Windows-based, scalable, easy-to-learn system for the design of wiring and control systems, hydraulics and pneumatics. The out-of-the-box solution includes schematic (for circuit and fluid diagrams), cable (for advanced electrical and fluid design), panel (for cabinet and panel layout), and formboard (for 1:1 wiring harness manufacturing drawings). Integrated with MCAD, E3.series is a complete design engineering solution from concept through physical realization and manufacturing output.

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