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Stay on the leading edge of PCB, electrical and data management technologies

21 results found
  • Webinar
October 11, 2023
A Systems Architecture and Modeling Challenge – Recap of the First Annual World Championships, Part II
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
  • Webinar
September 11, 2023
A Systems Architecture and Modeling Challenge – Recap of the First Annual World Championships
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
Abstract image - what's new in Genesys 2023
  • Webinar
August 03, 2023
What’s New in GENESYS 2023
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
Holistic Digital Engineering
  • Webinar
February 28, 2023
The Genesis of Holistic Digital Engineering: Automated Consistency of System Architecture and Detailed Physical Design
Webinar, Digital Thread, Model-Based Engineering, Model-Based Wire Harness Design, Product Design and Innovation with GENESYS
  • Webinar
October 31, 2022
Building an Open Digital Thread
Webinar, Intercax, Vitech, Zuken
Bridging Systems Engineering and Multi-Fidelity Analytical Models
  • Webinar
September 30, 2022
Bridging Systems Engineering and Multi-Fidelity Analytical Models
Webinar, ANSYS, Vitech, Zuken USA
  • Webinar
September 09, 2022
Precision Digital Engineering
Webinar, BigLever, Vitech, Zuken USA
  • Webinar
August 10, 2021
Digital Engineering Basics – EM and Lightning Analysis of a Wire Harness in a Drone (Part 4)
Webinar, EMA, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
What’s New in GENESYS 2021
  • Webinar
June 07, 2021
What’s New in GENESYS 2021
Webinar, Vitech, Model-Based Engineering
Digital Engineering Basics - Zuken
  • Webinar
March 16, 2021
Digital Engineering Basics – MBSE to Wire Harness Design (Part 3)
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
Digital Engineering Webinar
  • Webinar
March 16, 2021
Digital Engineering Basics – Product Model Trade Studies (Part 2)
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
  • Webinar
March 15, 2021
Digital Engineering Basics – Building the MBSE Product Model (Part 1)
Webinar, Vitech, Zuken USA, Digital Engineering
  • 2020 Technical Webinars
November 30, 2020
Schema and Metamodels and Ontologies, Oh My!
2020 Technical Webinars, Vitech, Zuken USA
Female Automotive Engineer Uses Digital Tablet with Augmented Reality for Car Design Analysis
  • Webinar
September 27, 2020
MBSE for Wire Harness Design

This webinar will discuss the challenges and best practices of creating a model for the purpose of wire harness and Electronic Control Units (ECU’s) implementation.

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Anark Digital Engineering
  • 2020 Technical Webinars
April 17, 2020
The Digital Thread Is the Communication Backbone for Digital Engineering

This webinar will explore the Digital Thread within the Digital Engineering process.  The Digital Thread is the communication foundation underlying the collaboration and decision-making processes.  With a focus on electrical and electronic design processes, this webinar will consider how the Digital Thread can support an MBSE based design process including design review and requirement verification.

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Zuken Webinar - Solving the Digital Engineering puzzle
  • Webinar
April 13, 2020
Solving the Systems Engineering, Digital Engineering, and MBSE Puzzle

This webinar will discuss the relationship between systems engineering, digital engineering, and MBSE in creating the framework we need to deliver complex products.

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