This is a comprehensive and very in-depth 2-day training course. This course may be scheduled at the customer site or Zuken’s Westford, MA office. Details for scheduling should be discussed with your account manager.
2-day comprehensive course
- Overview of Design Force SI Analysis
- Managing Simulation Models
- Overview of Simulation Libraries, Importing IBIS Models, Adding Vendors, Creating and Managing Models
- Performing Post-Layout Analysis
- Defining Characteristics, Setting up Components, Models and Signals, Checking Voltages and Topologies, Performing Analysis, Viewing Results in the Constraints Browser
- Using Electrical Editor
- Overview, Creating Scenario Data, Assigning Models, Assigning Stimulus, Applying Topologies, Crosstalk Analysis and Parameter Sweep
- Using Analysis Result Viewer
- Overview, Opening and Reviewing Results
- Managing Simulation Models
- Overview of the Design Force PI/EMI Analysis Feature
- Preparing for Analysis
- Exploring Layer Configurations, Simulation Models, Settings and More…
- EMI Analysis
- Settings, Attributes, Verification of Coupling Noise and Mode Noise
- PI Analysis
- Settings, Checking Impedance and Distribution, Effects of Decoupling Caps, Routing Impact
- DC Analysis
- Settings, Supply and Consumption Sources, Checking Voltage and Current Distribution
- Preparing for Analysis